When your tax bill arrives, you normally have two months’ time in Belgium to make a payment. This applies to both Personal and Corporate Income Tax, for both Resident (R) and Non-Resident (NR) taxpayers. It also includes the less common Legal Entities Tax.
Due to the current energy crisis and financial turmoil, the Belgian tax authorities are granting an exceptional extension of the payment deadline.
- Personal Income Tax (R and NR)
For tax bills that will arrive after 14 November 2022, the new (extended) payment deadline is already mentioned on the assessment note itself.
For tax bills that arrive before 14 November 2022, these still mention the standard payment deadline of two months. These will automatically be extended to four months, so no special action is required for this.
For example, if you tax bill was sent to you on 15 October, you initially had time to pay until 15 December, but will now have time until 15 February 2023 instead.
- Corporate Income Tax (R and NR)
Regardless of when the tax assessment was sent to you, corporate tax bills already mention the exceptional ‘new’ payment deadline.
If you would still experience payment difficulties even with the exceptional two month-extension, you can always request additional payment facilities. This can be done via the online tax portal MyMinfin or by contacting the tax authorities directly.