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    1. Company’s name

    We will check if your company’s name is still available. If not, we will contact you again to provide an alternative name:

    2. Registered address

    Your company can be registered at your home address, office address, virtual office address or other. Please indicate:

    3. Language

    Your incorporation documents will need to be drafted in Dutch if you register the company in the Flemish Region, and in French if your company’s address is in Wallonia.

    4. Activities (objective)

    One or more activities can be included, either as a main activity or as an additional activity. Some standard activities like management and real estate investment are automatically included.

    5. Shareholders

    A BV/SRL can be established by one or more shareholders (founders):





    6. Equity

    There is no minimum share capital for a BV/SRL, but it is important to establish sufficient financial means. This will be demonstrated in a mandatory financial plan that we will prepare for you as part of the incorporation service.

    How will the founders contribute to the company’s equity? You may select one or more options:


    8. Other securities

    9. Management

    10. Financial year (accounting period)

    Please indicate the preferred starting date of your financial year

    11. General shareholder’s meeting

    Please indicate the preferred date of your annual meeting

    12. Mandatory financial plan

    Please be aware that if the company would go bankrupt within 3 years after incorporation due to insufficient funding, the founders can be held personally liable for any incurred losses.
    To demonstrate that the company is sufficiently funded at start, it is required for the incorporation to provide a financial plan. To allow us to prepare this, please provide the following information:

    13. Website & email address

    14. Prior commitments

    15. Auditor

    The appointment of an auditor is mandatory in case the company would be considered a “large” company (i.e. 50 or more employees, 9 mio EUR turnover, 4.5 mio EUR balance sheet total).

    16. Power of attorney

    Please confirm if you would like to give power of attorney to TAXPATRIA for the incorporation of the company and any other relevant corporate, tax, VAT and social security registration requirements.